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“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Steady progress in bite-sized chunks puts even the most audacious goals into reach

Are you ready to make 2015 your best year ever yet?
I am going to end my 2015 year with full of enthusiasm and optimism no doubt I already lost my 9 months still 3 months left to enjoy and make this year the best year . But to maintain your momentum through the year, you need to set powerful, crystal-clear goals.
The first step to get what you want in your life is to decide exactly what you want.

What do you want to accomplish?
What do you want to experience?
What do you want to acquire?
Who do you want to be?

One of primary reason, why ? most people don’t get what they want is that they aren’t clear about what they want, they were confused , I am talking about me when I didn’t get medical I couldn’t understand what I should do which can help me to achieve my future goal , that’s why I joined in engineering without any second thought , many people are there who join in different career without thinking anything as they want money through any kind of job but if your goal is clear be careful instead of taking many steps , go in one line and follow that to achieve your goal ,  I faced lots of problem as I couldn’t understand what to follow and what’s not as I was confused and didn’t have much knowledge . So focus is your ability and opportunity to step back and take stock of your life, where you want it to go, and how you're going to make it happen. To make the biggest difference, work toward something that's important to you. With a personal mission that you're committed to, you can bring meaning into every minute of your day, while your direction and priorities keep you going when times get tough.

What is your vision for an ideal outcome?

An old proverb "He who chases two rabbits catches neither."
Focusing on one goal will help you form a clear picture in your head. You'll see exactly what you want and should keep that picture in mind as much as possible. You'll know which rabbit you want to chase.

If you want to achieve something big then you have to sacrifice also something but some people are like this “Not wanting to sacrifice anything” they run themselves straight into the ground -- sometime literally -only to end up frustrated and tired without reaching their goals. What they don't realize is that you can have it all (or close to it). You just can't have it all right now.
I am talking about my story – I can’t be a good friend at all , as I can’t give time to my all friends , can’t hang out with them J still I always try my best . like this I sacrifice many thing in my life to achieve my ONE GOAL , but my chosen path was wrong .I divert my mind in many direction instead of focusing one , that’s why I couldn’t achieve anything properly . when I joined in engineering in 1st year I was thinking about to appear MEDICAL AGAIN even appeared too but couldn’t get as within engineering that also from a government college where attendance and marks matters a lot u can’t get time for preparation for medical , then when I didn’t get medical I think about to do SOCIOLOGY AND LLB instead of concentrating in Engineering as I didn’t have interest in engineering . finally I fall in love with engineering and decided to do M-TECH in 3rd year last , when I find some many research opportunities in it . so my chosen path was wrong , if I started preparation from beginning means from 1st year or 2 year like my other friends I could get my favorite Branch in any good college and can get opportunities to do research , so my chose path was wrong , WHICH ALSO PROVES THAT I AM A BAD DECISION MAKER .

To help you Focus, it's much better to choose a few high priority areas that are motivating and in line with your Values. Pay attention to those until you form some good habits around those areas. Then move on to the next thing. The idea is to find the Sweet Spot, that special place where different goals coincide and support each other instead of conflicting.

Clarity Is a Choice
If you've been running your career in an unfocused manner then you will end up with nothing. So do it in a daily basis, just waking up each morning and seeing what happens, then it is absolutely crucial that you take the time to decide and write down exactly where it is you want to go. How much longer will you continue to climb the ladder of success, only to realize too late that it was leaning against the wrong building? Just pick a point in the future, whether it's six months from now or five years from now, and spend a few hours writing out a clear description of where you want to be at that time. I know many people who aren't sure where they want to go, so they avoid committing anything to writing in order to "keep their options open." What would happen if you pursued that attitude to its logical?
There was a time I couldn't decide what i want to do my life and how to do. My whole life is ruled by others who push their goals onto me, which I accepts by default as I didn’t know anything even they also didn’t know what I like and what I don’t , they take best decisions for me but it doesn’t work then what they can do ? their best choice didn’t work as I didn’t have interest , that’s why now I am in the same boat where I was 5 years before , no much change in my life. so I didn’t a great mistake like I have clear goal idea but I didn’t know the opportunities ,So there is a big difference between recognizing and acting on a true opportunity and being knocked off course without making a conscious decision to shift gears.
So waiting for something to inspire you and hoping that the perfect outcome will just fall into your lap is nothing but a fantasy. Clear decision making doesn't happen passively; you actually have to physically put in the time to make it happen. If you don't have clear goals simply because you don't know what you want, then sit down and actively decide what you want. That sense of knowing what you want isn't going to just come to you in a form of divine inspiration. Clarity is a choice, not an accident or a gift. Clarity doesn't come to you -- you have to go to it. Not setting goals is the same thing as deciding to be a slave to the goals of others.

Clear Goals Reflects on present Decisions

Your reality will not match your vision exactly. That's not the point. The point is for your vision to allow you to make clear daily decisions that keep you moving in the direction of your goals. Maintain a clear list of goals not because that's actually where you'll end up but because it will give you tremendous certainty in deciding what you need to do today. When someone contacts you with an "opportunity" out of the blue, you'll know whether it's a real opportunity or a waste of time. The long view sharpens the short view.
As you begin moving towards your goals, you'll gain new knowledge along the way, and you'll have to adapt your plans as you go. You may also change your vision if you get partway there and decide it's not quite what you really want. Ill-formed goals are still far superior to no goals at all.
Clear goals allow you to achieve the first half of success formula. By deciding exactly what you want to accomplish, committing it to writing, and reviewing it on a daily basis, you bring your goals into reality with the power of your focus.
That’s why now my goal is clear –

Now I am pursuing my MBA , I already planned for my future even I have faith if I’ll not distract my mind then one day I’ll reach at my actual goal .
Now my situation is like this ,

“How can u convince your parents when u love 3 , Means after coming SRI SRI UNIVERSITY I fall in love with ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND GOOD GOVERNANCE both are Awesome. My parents want GENERAL MBA BUT MY MIND SAYS ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MY HEART SAYS GOOD GOVERNANCE. So now my life priority is also like this serial manner - First I'll follow my parents wish if i can get what i want then I'll follow my Mind either after my job or after my 2 years of MBA complete - OWN BUSINESS, That's why from now i make myself ready, No matter whatever i choose to do Always end up with my Heart. Charity through business or directly involve in social service along with my job then in d end I'll end up with Good governance :P Really i always confuse what to do 1st , specially when it comes to my career and future BUT NOW ON WARDS GOAL IS CLEAR”
As my goal is crystal clear and my chosen career too J

Try these to stay focused –
What I also follow……. J J J

At the end of each day, ask "what did I do today to work toward my Purpose?"

Sit still and enjoy the blessings that you're working so hard for.

Take a 60 second vacation and become mindful of what you're doing.

Avoid using language that contradicts your Values & Beliefs.
Be your own mentor but sometimes choose a hero. Ask "what
would __________ do?"

Put your goals on paper, in words or pictures, and keep them in front of you

Create a personal motto in a creative, catchy way. Display it as a reminder.

Plan your week and day ahead of time in light of your goals



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