Peter Ashby - Founder of Ashby Projects

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Peter is an Oxford-based entrepreneur, who has worked in publishing and multimedia for many years.  He has 2 companies, Ashby Projects and Watering Can Works.

Q: What is your background?  Why are you doing this?
A:  Publishing sector innovator, entrepreneur and international executive. Experienced with interactive online information with enthusiasm for e-health in healthcare sectors, but the business and publishing process and new disruptive enterprise are the a driving force. I’ve made almost all the mistakes there are, wish to share with others to benefit of all, not least end-users and socio-economic development. 

Q: What is your definition of entrepreneurship?
A: Making new products and services available that improve the outcomes for defined worthy recipients whose greater satisfaction at lower direct and environmental cost will spread to more users and other sectors.

Q: What made you decide to become an entrepreneur?
A: Desire to create and lead the way with others and shared vision, equally with frustration at the reluctance to change out-dated ineffective inefficient ways of established organisaitons.

Q: So what would you say are the top skills that needed to be a successful entrepreneur? Why?
A: Essential addition to confidence are blind faith and optimism. Because there are so many barriers to be overcome (or gone around)

Q: What is your favourite part of being an entrepreneur?
A: Establishing the viability through careful research and planning, and entering the Just Flippin’ well Do It  stage

Q: What individual, company or organization inspires you most? Why?
A: The late Steve Jobs for some (not all) of his qualities because he stated the WHY Apple did what it set out to do, less of the what and the how, and never stated “to make money” – That comes to those who risk, do the right things an survive to real rewards, not just monetary ones.

Q: If you could have 5 minutes with the above indiv/company/org, what would you want to ask or discuss?
A: How to re-invest Apple’s incredible wealth for the good of specified next generations globally, with sustainable engagement of more and better educated healthy people at the top of the “must do” list

Q: What has been your most satisfying or successful moment in business?
A: Winning contracts to supply from organisations that appreciate the value brought to them by my team.

Q: What would you say have been some of your mistakes as an entrepreneur?
A: Too many to mention! – Happy to share 1:1 or small groups as needed for their circumstances, strengths and weaknesses.

Q: What is good about being an entrepreneur in Oxfordshire?  Bad?
A: The networking environment in which new entrants to independent innovation and enterprise can gain confidence and strategic partners in order to grow.

Q: If a new entrepreneur or startup came to you looking for entrepreneurship information or resources in Oxfordshire, where would you send them?
A: Online researching and focused contact points with specific aims.

Q: Any last words of advice?
A: Don’t give up. Follow your dreams with passion remembering the why, not too much stargazing about exit
The road will certainly be different than that expected!


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